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Sense and sensibility - Sonatas, Fantasias & Rondo
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach

Riccardo Cecchetti

Sense and sensibility - Sonatas, Fantasias & Rondo

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917266627
Catnr: CC 72666
Release date: 13 February 2015
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72666
Release date
13 February 2015

"Fono Forum Best Of 2015 - Ingo Harden: "A cross section of the late work which expresses the fantastic main feature of this music in a decisive and headstrong manner, but always perfect in form.""

Fono Forum, 01-2-2016

About the album

We now recognise Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach as the bridge between the baroque and classical periods or, in other words, between his father Johann Sebastian and Franz Joseph Haydn. Carl Philipp Emanuel, as opposed to his brothers, likewise being musicians taught by their father, always cultivated the Johann Sebastian tradition. Yet very different to his father is the character of his compositions and his aesthetic outlook: the contrapuntal treatment of themes, by now out of fashion, is put into storage; what is important for him is invention, the moulding and development of the melodies which are all graceful, aristocratic, cheeky, bouncy, incisive and conspicuous compared to the rest of the construction. Carl Philipp Emanuel wrote for the harpsichord, the clavichord and the pianoforte, which eventually would become the favourite of the three.

Empfindsam (sentimental) is used to describe his style. The sophisticated structure of his works oscillates between pathos and emphasis; the sonorities suddenly dart around in flames, the harmony cannot keep still and fulminates in distant regions far from home, the rhythm battles against phrases of unequal length, against an interrupted breath, a pause or a sudden flourish of ornamentation. With Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, certain oddities of the baroque style naturally flow into the stratosphere of Sturm und Drang – the prelude of romanticism.
Sentimentele werken van C.P.E. Bach uitgevoerd op fantastische fortepiano
Dit album bevat een goed doordachte en verrukkelijke selectie van werken uit C.P.E. Bachs collectie Clavier-Sonaten für Kenner und Liebhaber, uitgevoerd door Riccardo Cecchetti.

Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach vormt de brug tussen de barok en het classicisme, tussen zijn vader Johan Sebastian Bach en Franz Joseph Haydn. Hij componeerde in de traditie van zijn vader, maar zijn werken hebben een ander karakter en artistieke opvatting.

Zijn stijl kan het best beschreven worden met het woord Empfindsam (sentimenteel). De ingewikkelde structuur van zijn werken wisselt tussen pathos en empathie. De klanken bewegen zich plotseling snel voort, de harmonie kan niet blijven stilstaan en vertrekt naar verre gebieden, het ritme vecht tegen frasen van ongelijke lengte, tegen een plotselinge pauze of een versiering. Met C.P.E. Bach komen de eigenaardigheden van de barok in de Sturm und Drang terecht, de voorloper van het romanticisme.

Riccardo Cecchetti is de pianist van het trio Voces Intimae. Op dit album speelt hij solo, op een fantastische fortepiano uit 1785, die deel uitmaakt van de bekende Edwin Beunk Collection. Zijn interpretatie van de muziek van C.P.E. Bach is veelbewogen, onvoorspelbaar, en zet aan tot denken. In een woord: Empfindsam!
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach gilt gemeinhin als Bindeglied zwischen Barock und Klassik und führte als Schüler seines Vaters dessen Tradition fort. Ganz anders allerdings ist der Charakter seiner Kompositionen und sein ästhetischer Ausblick: der aus der Mode gekommene Kontrapunkt wird eingemottet und durch einen Fokus auf Erfindung, Form und Entwicklung der grazilen, frechen, schwungvollen und prägnanten Melodien ersetzt. In diesem Empfindsamen Stil schillert seine Musik zwischen Pathos und Emphase, Klänge schießen flammengleich auf, die Harmonie reist in harmonisch weit entfernte Länder. Auf dieser Aufnahme von Riccardo Cecchetti auf einem Originalinstrument der Zeit hat sie eine ereignisreiche, unvorhersehbare und zum Denken anregende Interpretation erfahren – empfindsam durch und durch.
Oggi riconosciamo Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach come il ponte tra Barocco e Classicismo, o, in altri termini, tra il padre Johann Sebastian e Franz Joseph Haydn. Carl Philipp Emanuel, a differenza dei fratelli, anch’essi musicisti istruiti dal padre, coltivò sempre la tradizione di Johann Sebastian. Eppure molto diverso rispetto al padre è il carattere delle sue composizioni e della sua prospettiva estetica: il trattamento contrappuntistico dei temi, ormai passato di moda, viene messo nel cassetto; quel che importa per lui è l’invenzione, la modellatura e lo sviluppo delle melodie che sono tutte aggraziate, aristocratiche, insolenti, vivaci, incisive e consistenti rispetto al resto della costruzione. Carl Philipp Emanuel scrisse per il clavicembalo, il clavicordo e il fortepiano, che alla fine sarebbe diventato il preferito dei tre. Empfindsam (sentimentale) è il termine utilizzato per descrivere il suo stile. La struttura sofisticata delle sue opere oscilla tra pathos ed enfasi; le sonorità guizzano attorno come fiamme, l’armonia non riesce a starsene ferma e piomba in regioni lontane dalla tonalità d’impianto, il ritmo lotta contro frasi dalla lunghezza asimmetrica, contro un respiro interrotto, una pausa o un’improvvisa fioritura di ornamentazioni. Con Carl Philipp Emanuel, certe stravaganze dello stile barocco fluiscono naturalmente nella stratosfera dello Sturm und Drang – il preludio del Romanticismo.


Riccardo Cecchetti

Riccardo Cecchetti, pianist and forte-pianist, is the founding member of various chamber music groups including the Trio Voces Intimae, which has played all over the world. After graduating cum laude from the Florence Conservatory, he began an intense concert career where he performed regularly in the most important concert halls worldwide – the Library of Congress in Washington D.C., the Carnegie Hall and Frick Collection in New York, the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, Wigmore Hall and St. John’s Smith Square in London, the Musik Halle in Hamburg, the Teatro dell’Opera in Rome, Vredenburg in Utrecht, Shenzhen Concert Hall in Shenzhen, Tianjin Concert Hall in Tianjin only to name a few, to which are added prestigious Festivals and Associations such as the...
Riccardo Cecchetti, pianist and forte-pianist, is the founding member of various chamber music groups including the Trio Voces Intimae, which has played all over the world. After graduating cum laude from the Florence Conservatory, he began an intense concert career where he performed regularly in the most important concert halls worldwide – the Library of Congress in Washington D.C., the Carnegie Hall and Frick Collection in New York, the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, Wigmore Hall and St. John’s Smith Square in London, the Musik Halle in Hamburg, the Teatro dell’Opera in Rome, Vredenburg in Utrecht, Shenzhen Concert Hall in Shenzhen, Tianjin Concert Hall in Tianjin only to name a few, to which are added prestigious Festivals and Associations such as the Festival van Vlaanderen – B, Oude Muziek Festival – NL, Da Camera Society in Los Angeles, Oberlin College Oberlin – Ohio, the Festival dei due Mondi – Spoleto, Italy, the Festival in Granada, Spain, the Festival in Melbourne, Amici della Musica in Florence, Unione Musicale of Turin and the Istituzione Universitaria dei Concerti in Rome.
BBC Radio3, RAI-Radio3, WNYC New York City, Radio France, Radio Clásica – España, etc. broadcast his concerts.
Riccardo Cecchetti plays both period and modern pianos, placing particular emphasis on chamber and solo classical and early romantic repertoire played on period instruments. His repertoire ranges from 18th century music to contemporary music.
He has an exclusive recording contract with Challenge Records. His recording of the R. Schumann Piano Trios op.63 & 110 on period instruments was awarded as Period Instruments Choice by BBC Radio3 and CD del mese by Suonare news – A. Foletto. Warner Classics published two CDs dedicated to the seven trios of J.N. Hummel that have been awarded as the Critics CD of the year 2006 and CD of the week by BBC Radio3, Choice of the Month by BBC Music Magazine and Cdécisif by the Radio Suisse Romande. He also recorded four CDs for the Italian recording company Symphonia, all on period instruments, as well as two recordings for the Spanish label Verso.
He teaches chamber music and forte-piano at the Scuola di Musica di Fiesole and holds piano, fortepiano and chamber music master classes in Italy, Spain and the USA.


Béla Bartók (conductor)

Next to Arnold Schoenberg and Igor Stravinsky, Béla Bartók was a third seminal innovator of European art music at the start of the twentieth century. Bartók, too, sought a way out of the deadlock of tonal music around 1900, and he found it in folk music. Initially, he tied in with the nationalistic tradition of Franz Liszt with his tone poem Kossuth, but eventually he found his own voice with the rediscovery of the music of Hungarian peasants. Together with Zoltán Kodály he was one of the first to apply the results of folkloric research into his own compositions. One major difference between him and composers of the 19th century, was that Bartók did not adjust to the system of tonality, but created...
Next to Arnold Schoenberg and Igor Stravinsky, Béla Bartók was a third seminal innovator of European art music at the start of the twentieth century. Bartók, too, sought a way out of the deadlock of tonal music around 1900, and he found it in folk music. Initially, he tied in with the nationalistic tradition of Franz Liszt with his tone poem Kossuth, but eventually he found his own voice with the rediscovery of the music of Hungarian peasants. Together with Zoltán Kodály he was one of the first to apply the results of folkloric research into his own compositions. One major difference between him and composers of the 19th century, was that Bartók did not adjust to the system of tonality, but created his own musical idiom from folk music. Because of this, his composition style was flexible to other musical trends, without having to violate his own view points. For example, his two Violin sonates come close to Schoenberg's free expressionism, and after 1926 his music started to show neoclassicistic tendencies, comparable to Stravinsky's music. Bartók was not just interested in Hungarian folk music, but could appreciate musical folklore from all of the Balkan, Turkey and North-Africa as well.


Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach

It can't be easy to have been a son of the great Johann Sebastian Bach. Bach was undoubtedly very strict, and if you'd have any composition ambitions, you would have to find a way to step out of the shadow of your father. Luckily, his sons had everything going for them considering their music. Whereas the traditional Baroque music of their father slowly went out of fashion, most of Bach's sons managed to follow the new trends of the early Classicism. In other words: relatively simple, melodic music which is not too heavy on the listener, yet still very passionate.  Carl Philipp Emanuel, Bach's fifth son, became the most outstanding among his siblings. Like each of Bach's sons, he received a...

It can't be easy to have been a son of the great Johann Sebastian Bach. Bach was undoubtedly very strict, and if you'd have any composition ambitions, you would have to find a way to step out of the shadow of your father. Luckily, his sons had everything going for them considering their music. Whereas the traditional Baroque music of their father slowly went out of fashion, most of Bach's sons managed to follow the new trends of the early Classicism. In other words: relatively simple, melodic music which is not too heavy on the listener, yet still very passionate.

Carl Philipp Emanuel, Bach's fifth son, became the most outstanding among his siblings. Like each of Bach's sons, he received a solid education from his father, en Carl Philipp developed into a remarkably talented keyboardist. Moreover, he became a prolific composer and of all Bach's sons, he was able to came closest to the quality of his father's work, albeit in a completely different style.



Fono Forum Best Of 2015 - Ingo Harden: "A cross section of the late work which expresses the fantastic main feature of this music in a decisive and headstrong manner, but always perfect in form."
Fono Forum, 01-2-2016

"Riccardo Cecchetti proves on this CD that he is an extraordinary solist on the fortepiano. He comes up with a rich intonation, wonderful tempo rubato and distinct, but never exaggerating temperament and shows a in an exemplary and beguiling way, what - in the sense of the composer - an inspired paino playing means." Artistical quality 10/10 sound quality 9/10 Overall impression 10/10, 05-8-2015

"Riccardo Cecchettis gestural-rhetorical play appears like an improvisation. (...) Really a CD for experts and admirer."
Stuttgarter Zeitung, 28-7-2015

"Recordings that have no rivals. They are mainly immaculate, exemplary ones. Rarely this notes have been implemented in such an accurate way." Interpretation 6/6 Sound 5/6 Repertoire value 6/6
Piano News, 01-7-2015

Hermann, 01-6-2015

["].. Riccardo Cecchetti offers a selection of sonatas and fantasias from CPE's Kenner und Liebhaber sets, playing on a notably rich-sounding restored instrument from the 1780's."
Gramophone, 01-6-2015

Disc of the month - 5 stars
Classic Voice, 18-5-2015

Recommendation "A interpretational treasure, that, in the sense of Bach, immediately appears "heart-touching". Unique and standard setting (...)." Musik 5 stars Sound 3,5 stars
Fono Forum, 01-5-2015

'Because he systematically and dryly accentuates the notes to their relief,  he subjects the whimsical and adventurous development of the sentence to a merely vertical event.'
Diapason, 01-5-2015

['']...Riccardo Ceccheti plays them all with fire and a fine sense of direction, using a rather gentle German fortepiano of aroun 1785, which has almost all the expressiveness of a clavichord, but with added bite, so that the fierce accents really tell...['']
The Observer, 08-3-2015

Play album Play album


Sense and sensibility - Sonatas, Fantasias & Rondo - Riccardo Cecchetti

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Piano Trios op. 80 & 88, Piano Trio op. 17
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Felix Mendelssohn
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Giuseppe Tartini
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